Installing and Running (MacOS)

Note: I've only tested this on MacOS.

You will need LLVM 17 installed before you install cyclang, runn the following command

brew install llvm@17

Then the easiest way to install the binary currently is through the Rust package manager Cargo - see Install Rust. Once the step above is done, then run

cargo install cyclang


Ensure you have the /bin folder set up (this will dump LLVM IR). Run tests through make test.

Debugging Release Mode Errors

If getting errors with the release mode then use Rust Sanitizer flags to debug.

Run the following command to identify memory issues

RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=address" cargo run --target={TARGET_ARCH} --release -- --file ./examples/simple.cyclo --output-llvm-ir

Where target architecture is your architecture i.e aarch64-apple-darwin

Also set proc_macro2 -> 1.66 if using Rust nightly compiler in the Cargo.toml

proc-macro2 = { version = "1.0.66", features=["default", "proc-macro"] }